Author Bio
Abigail Miles decided to dedicate her life to stories from a young age, leading first to her majoring in creative writing in college, and now to spending far too much of her available time attached to her computer, composing stories and books. Abigail currently lives in Boston, where all of her time (or very nearly all of her time) is spent in some combination of writing books, reading books, baking, eating said baked goods, making tea to go along with said baked goods, drinking said tea while eating said baked goods and writing and/or reading said books. Sometimes she does actual work, too.
In 2021, she was part of a Tin House Workshop, and she has had short fiction published through a variety of platforms, some of which include Cold Mountain Review, Strange Fictions, Bending Genres, The Quiet Ones, Marathon Lit Review, and Bookends Review. The Building That Wasn’t is her first novel.